Missed Calls = Missed Business. Ava Answers Them For You.
Better than voicemail, cheaper than a human receptionist, doesn't take sick days—Ava answers your calls, books appointments, and works for you, 24/7.
Repair Owner
AVA will answer their questions and guide them to working with you.
Handles calls, books appointments, and manages client inquiries seamlessly with the capability of simultaneously handling hundreds of calls at the same time.
Automatic review requests sent to customers to boost your reputation on platforms like Google, Yelp and Facebook.
Instant review responses to keep customer interactions positive and proactive.
Boost the reputation of your business.
Checks Calendars for conflicts & Books Appointments.
Builds & updates contact lists.
Back-and-forth texting to help your customers with their inquiries.
Real-time notifications for new messages and updates, so you’re always in the loop.
Recorded calls for easy access to all client details and conversations.
Instant alerts via text or email so you never miss a new call, message, or review.
Our expert success rep sets everything up with you, step-by-step.
We'll help you install the mobile app to get leads directly to your phone.
Anytime you need help we’re here 24/7, just a message away.
Need to make tweaks or adjustments? We’ll guide you through every update, no stress.
Rappy Remodeling
Handles calls, books appointments, and manages client inquiries seamlessly with the capability of simultaneously handling hundreds of calls at the same time.
Automatic review requests sent to customers to boost your reputation on platforms like Google, Yelp and Facebook.
Instant review responses to keep customer interactions positive and proactive.
Boost the reputation of your business.
Back-and-forth texting to help your customers with their inquiries.
Real-time notifications for new messages and updates, so you’re always in the loop.
Checks Calendars for conflicts & Books Appointments.
Builds & updates contact lists.
Step-by-step onboarding session with our customer success team to set up Ava for your business.
Dedicated 24/7 support for any questions or issues, anytime you need us.
Recorded calls for easy access to all client details and conversations.
Instant alerts via text or email so you never miss a new call, message, or review.
Do you have more questions?
Absolutely! Our team is here to answer any questions you have while getting started with AVA . Just reach out to us through the Admin chat.
It’s quick and easy! We scan your website to train AVA right away. Then, you just confirm your data, add any FAQs or messaging preferences, and you're all set.
Yes! AVA automatically pulls your business hours and other info from your Google Business Profile and website. You can also edit and update details anytime.
You can always update and add FAQs for AVA in the Admin. And if you need a hand, just reach out to our support team!
Yes! You don’t need to change a thing. We’ll guide you through setting up call forwarding with your existing phone number.
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